Pregnant after IF

Many horrible dreams in a row last night.

Of me miscarrying and my HCG levels dropping to just about 0.  I would wake up and have to tell myself that it wasn't real, only to fall asleep and dream about the same thing again.  I wish this would stop, because on top of not sleeping because I don't feel good (I don't know what I have), it doesn't make me a very happy person.  Ugh.
TTC since July 2009.
MFI, Moving onto IVF-ICSI.
IVF #1 = BFP - sadly a blighted ovum discovered at 7 wks.
D+C 12/7/10.
IVF#2 - ER 3/27. 8 fertilized. ET 4/1; transferred 2 blasts; 2 frosties (total of 3 now)
Beta #1, 4/11 = 291! Beta#2, 4/18 = 2702. Beta #3, 4/25 = 17303.
Ultrasound #1, 4/29 = 1 perfect baby and heartbeat!.
7/21 = a/s! It's a boy!!
Robert Lawrence was born on December 1st at 4:32 am weighing 6lb 3oz, 19.5 inches long and healthy as anything!!
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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