Pregnant after IF


Hey there,


Thought I'd introduce myself.  DH and I have been trying for awhile now, after our first attempt at IUI, we're pregnant!  Really excited, but I get a little worried sometimes.  Our last pregnancy ended in MC at 8 weeks.   I go for my first U/S next week.  Hopefully this pregnancy goes full term!

Married my best friend May 2004
TTC since Fall 2005
2008: Seven cycles of Clomid & hcg in before getting a BFP that ended in MC @ 8 wks October 2008
Fall 2010: Three cycles of Clomid & hcg w/ no success
April 2011: One Cycle of Clomid & Menopure & hcg + IUI = BFP... Sept 2011: Twin boys born at 22 w 4d went to heaven to dance with Jesus !!!!
June 2012 - BFP (IUI baby)

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