Pregnant after IF

My progesterone went down to 19

I'm exactly 5 weeks today.  The nurse just called and said my progesterone went down to 19.  I guess a few days ago it was 31.  She said not to worry at all, and that I should just up my dose of PIO from 1cc to 1.5cc, and to retest on Monday.  She did say that progesterone levels can fluctuate, but of course I'm worried now.

Any experience with this ladies?  =(

11/10: IUI #1 =100mg Clomid CD4-8 + pregnyl trigger + IUI = chemical pregnancy
1/11: IUI #2 = 5mg Femara + trigger + IUI = BFN
2/11: IUI #3 = injectibles + trigger + IUI = BFN
IVF #1 April 2011 ER 4/23 w/16 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fert., 4 blasts to freeze, 5dt of 2 blasts on 4/28, beta #1 5/7 = 243... beta #2 5/9 = 491....beta #3 5/11 = 1113!!
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