Pregnant after IF

We have movement!

I swore I was going to be one of those women that wouldnt get to feel their baby til like 30 weeks (haha) but this morning I finally felt my first movement! I was sitting at my desk and all of a sudden felt little butterfly "flutters". It happened off and on for about 2 minutes. I can finally tell the difference between my little man poking at me and gas. Yay!!
IUI#1 - 05/20/08 = BFP! M/C - 14 weeks :( baby girl
IUI#2 - 01/07/09 = BFP!!! Twins!! Pre-term labor 20 weeks :( lost twin girls
IUI#3 - 1/31/10 = BFP!!!! M/C - 8wks :( again
IVF #1 - 7/2010 = c/p
FET - 9/2010 = another c/p
IUI#4 - 2/14/11 = BFP!
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