Pregnant after IF

How embarassing!

So my boss and I were walking to a meeting at another building few blocks away from the office and I almost passed out. 


I kind of felt weird when I got up from my desk, and as we were going down in the elevator.  Then when we walked out of the building.  I felt very light headed, dizzy and weak when we got to the site.  I walked into the building told my boss I felt like I was going to pass out and I needed to lean on the wall for a second.  My boss (the only one who knows I am pregnant) was very worried and ran and got me a chair and made another employee who worked in that site sit with me when he went to get me something sweet.  I drank some water and took a few deep breaths  and I started immediately feeling better.  Then he came back with cookies and orange juice and made me sit for a few minutes. 


I am completely fine other than being mortified.

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