Pregnant after IF

Coming over from IF (Intro)

I'm cautiously joining you ladies - I still can't believe it!  I've had 3 betas that have all been great (#s in my siggy) and will have a 4th beta next week and my first ultrasound on the 25th (I'll be 6.5 weeks then).  Can't wait to catch up with some familiar faces and get to know some new faces!  Congratulations to all of you!

TTC since 11/2009
11/2010 DH SA good...01/2011 HSG is clear...01/2011 Consult with RE
suprise BFP but m/c on 2/7/11
03/2011 50 mg clomid=BFN
04/2011 clomid+bromocriptine+IUI=BFP at 11dpiui
Beta #1(11dpiui)=33, Beta #2 (13dpiui)=96, Beta #3 (20dpiui)=1910, Beta #4 (26dpiui)=20,134
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