Pregnant after IF

Question for those that already had their shower

How much random stuff (items you did not register for) did you get? Clothing doesn't count b/c, well, you can never have enough of those. Of that random stuff, how much were you actually able to return/exchange?

 I know one of our family members has been buying random stuff in the same catagory as what we registered for but not the actual item (ex: We registered for Avent bottles so she went out and got a bunch of no-name bottles). Her daughter has a 2 year old so it's not like she doesn't understand that people register for an actual item they like and don't just say "hey, we need bottles." Oh, and the same thing with a diaper bag. I am very particular as to what type I want (a backpack version) and I know the one she purchased most likely will be a shoulder one. She cuts the tags off of everything so that you can't always return them. I know I should be grateful that she is thinking of us but it's not like we have a lot of room to store stuff that can't be returned. H doesn't feel comfortable explaining to her that we registered for certain items for a reason. (She's on his side of the family and keeps sending him emails/texts when she buys stuff)

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Dx: Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism After 2 years TTC & failed IUs,we have our IVF baby born 9/24/11

LO#2 aka 'Miracle Baby' Orig. EDD= 9/28 EDD moved to 10/3/13
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