Pregnant after IF

Update on Me and Briggs..finally!

Hey ladies! First off, wanted to say thanks for all the T&P's. Your support means so much to me! I'll try to keep this update brief bc I'm sitting at my desktop which is a NO NO right now.

So on Monday I went in for normal OB visit. Nurse was trying to do doppler when suddenly I started having what I THOUGHT was one of my normal BH contractions. She seemed concerned and had trouble finding heart rate at the time. She instantly decided that my OB would need to check my cervix. In the time it took me to undress and get back on the table I was already having another contraction. Doc came in an did a vaginal u/s and quickly saw that my cervix was "funneling" meaning it was closed at top and bottom, but wide open in the middle.

She quickly ordered me over to L&D where we thought I would just get a Steroid shot for baby and be sent home on bedrest after some monitoring. WELL, while they were monitoring me I had several more contrax and they became very intense. It was scary! My OB was about to knock me out with narcotics but decided not to at the last minute. They started pushing all sorts of drugs to get the contractions under control. It was quickly decided that I was not going home any time soon.

SO, after 2 1/2 days in the hospital I am still having very frequent contractions even though I'm on an intense 3 hr regimen of drugs. Once those drugs wear off my contrax pick up big time. My cervix is also progressing slowly but surely. My OB was very reluctant to do this, but decided this afternoon to let me come home tonight so I could get things in order. We go in tomorrow AM for some sort of test that will determine the next step. If the test is negative she will likely send me home on strict bedrest, but if it's positive I will be hospitalized until Mr. Briggs decides to come.

At this point we are just happy that he's still in there and he's got his steroids on board now so his little lungs can develop. Little sucker is also breech, so I'm more than likely having a c-section.

I NEVER imagined we would be dealing with this, but we're just trying to stay calm and go with the flow! I've got to get back in my bed now, but I wanted to say thanks for thinking of us, and I'll try to post updates whenever possible. Please keep praying for my little guy to stay in there longer :)    Much love! xoxo

Our 1st IVF miracle, Briggs Sterling, born via c-section due to IUGR and footling breech. 6.5.11. 5:51am. 5lbs 1.5oz.

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