January 2012 Moms

Cautiously saying HI and introducing myself!

Hi girls.... I just took a HPT this evening and it came back positive! DH and I are very excited but I am very scared and cautious because this was are first cycle trying and it just seemed way to easy.

Little background.... DH is 28 and I am 29. We have been married a little over 1.5 years. I also have factor V liden blood clotting disorder which means this pregnancy is already considered high risk, but my OB is confidant she can help me have a healthy baby and pregnancy.

 Anyway enough of all that. I am super excited to be here. My EDD according to FF is 1/22/2011! I can't believe I am a January Mama! 

Photobucket Daisypath Anniversary tickers BFP-05/12/2011 EDD-1/22/2011 Missed M/C@8w5d D&C-6/18/2011
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