Pregnant after IF

Short term disability for maternity leave question

I am utterly confused! Briefly, I will be using two weeks of my vacation/earned time and THEN short term disability will kick in at 60% of my pay. So... I thought I would have eight weeks total (6wks STD after 2wks ET), well today I was told six weeks TOTAL (4wks STD at 60% after my 2wks ET).... Does this make sense? I am bummed that I might have to go back after 6 weeks, 8 was hard enough to deal with since I was hoping to be able to take more like 10-12 and receive pay. I know FMLA protects/allows me 12 weeks but I can't afford to take the time without pay. I will be calling the head HR person tomorrow to hopefully get an accurate answer, just curious what your experiences are... might post this on SAIF also
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