January 2012 Moms

A little worred...subchorionic hemorrhage??

Well, yesterday my radiologist told me she thought everything look great, confirmed my due date, and told us our baby's heart rate.  Today, my doctor called and said they saw a little bit of bleeding between the placenta and the uterine wall when going over US pictures.  She said it was very minimal, and nothing to worry about, but to completely abstain from "pelvic activity" and go a little easier than normal for the next 4 weeks.  Then, I have to go back in 4 weeks for a follow up US.  If it is the same size or completely gone by then, we are safe.  There is a slight chance it can get to be much bigger.  Worst case scenario, it gets big enough that it causes the placenta to detach.  Dr said it is VERY common, so again to not worry....easier said than done right?!  Have any of you had this or know anything more about it?  Internet stuff tends to be scary, so I am choosing to not even look it up there.  TIA for any info!
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