Pregnant after IF

NT Scan question

I scheduled my NT scan for 12w 2d, but DH will be out of town. If I wait for him to get back, the next available appt will be 13w 4d.
I'm trying to decide if its a big deal to not have him there? I'm not nervous about going alone, its more that I don't want him to miss out on something important at that scan.

My questions are:
 - Did your DH go to the NT scan?
 - Were you given a hint / guess at the gender?
 - Did they give you the results right there, or do they wait for bloodwork as well?

Feel free to add anything I'm missing, this is all foreign territory! Thanks ladies!

TTC #1 since 03/09 Dx Unexplained
Jan to April 2010 - Clomid - All BFN
June 2010 - IVF - BFN
Oct 2010 - FET #1 - BFN
Dec 2010 - endometrial biopsy
Jan 2011 - Surprise BFP! - m/c at 6w5d
March 2011 - FET #2. Thawed 11 Day 1 embryos; 5 'exploded' / possible lab error?
ET 4/2/11 transferred 1 blast & 1 morula
Beta#1 10dp5dt =81; Beta#2 12dp5dt =222 Beta#3 16dp5dt =1337
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