Pregnant after IF

Finally able to bump again!

I have been offline for what seems like forever.  Our laptop has been acting weird for weeks and would let me get on thebump but when I would try to respond to a post it would just kick me off which was so frustrating.  Anyway, we just got a new computer and DH set it up tonight so now I can finally be back on here some when Jax is asleep.  Woohoo!  Off to catch up on everything I have missed.  Seems like several ladies have had their babies which is so exciting. 

 Side note, how do I add a pic to my siggy?  I uploaded it to tinypic and got the url but when I tried to add it like I do for PIP, it doesn't show up.  

Dx with PCOS and IR June 2009
After two losses, third time was a charm.
pm me for blog link
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