Pregnant after IF

Anyone Else Refuse the 3 Hour GTT?

Just wondering if anyone else out there has refused to do the 3 hour glucose testing?

I failed the 1 hour with a 143. However, I refused to do the 3 hour because I just KNEW there was no way I had GD. In fact, my blood sugar runs low and never goes above 110 when I eat normally, EVER! After all I have heard about the 3 hour experience, I was seriously afraid I'd pass out or end up horribly sick during it. 

To satisfy my OB's skepticism, I bought a glucometer and tested by blood 4 times a day for a week while eating my normal diet. My highest fasting reading was 86 and my highest eating reading was 107 (normal is 95 or below for "fasting" when you first wake up, and 120 or below 2 hours after eating). Of course my OB now agrees that I certainly do not have GD!

Just mentioning this because you do have the right to refuse the 3 hour test if you want to. Most OB's will want to see you test your blood though. For me, that was preferable over the 3 hour test ordeal.

DW & I (yes, we're lesbians!) are using anonymous donor sperm and IUI TTC#1! Diagnosed with pituitary adenoma at age 16 2009: Extensive testing to find reason for irregular periods & rule out uterine cancer 10/2010: Dx possible PCOS / No Ovulation / Retroverted Uterus IUI #1 on 11/10/10 (50mg Clomid + Ovidrel trigger + Anonymous Donor Sperm) = BFN IUI #2 on 12/15/10 (50mg Clomid + Ovidrel trigger + Anonymous Donor Sperm) = BFP!!! Beta #1 = 75 (12dpiui) Beta #2 = 158 (14dpiui) Beta #3 = 333 (15dpiui) Beta #4 = 2,517 (19dpiui) First OB appointment and u/s 1/25/10 EDD: 9/7/11 BabyName Ticker
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