Pregnant after IF

I've Been MIA for So Long!

Hi Girls,

I have been MIA from the boards for soooo long; I feel bad! My first trimester flew by because we moved twice (hated the first place we were in and moved after only one month), but are now finally settled into a place we like. Have also been SO busy with new clients. But now I am back and just wanted to check in on everyone and give a quick update on me. 

I will be 23 weeks along tomorrow. We found out a few weeks ago that we are having a GIRL. So excited! We have decided on the name Kaeden. She was going to be Aiden if she was a boy, so Kaeden is the feminine version of the name we love.

So far, the pregnancy has been going so well. I can't believe how lucky I have been, with no complications (knock on wood) and no morning sickness, except for one week in February where I just felt dizzy all the time, but never threw up. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, while at the same time remembering to be grateful for how smooth everything has been so far.

Our nursery is mostly set up and we are taking our first birthing and newborn classes soon. My baby shower is June 25th and I can't wait! With the exception of my inlaws, everyone in our lives has been so supportive and excited for us. My inlaws are another story for another post! 

How are all of you ladies doing? I look forward to catching up with everyone and hope you are all doing great!  :) 





DW & I (yes, we're lesbians!) are using anonymous donor sperm and IUI TTC#1! Diagnosed with pituitary adenoma at age 16 2009: Extensive testing to find reason for irregular periods & rule out uterine cancer 10/2010: Dx possible PCOS / No Ovulation / Retroverted Uterus IUI #1 on 11/10/10 (50mg Clomid + Ovidrel trigger + Anonymous Donor Sperm) = BFN IUI #2 on 12/15/10 (50mg Clomid + Ovidrel trigger + Anonymous Donor Sperm) = BFP!!! Beta #1 = 75 (12dpiui) Beta #2 = 158 (14dpiui) Beta #3 = 333 (15dpiui) Beta #4 = 2,517 (19dpiui) First OB appointment and u/s 1/25/10 EDD: 9/7/11 BabyName Ticker
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