Pregnant after IF

Are any of you Anemic?

Hi ladies! I went home for the weekend to see my Mom and to spend Mother's day with her. While there, I got super sick and ended up in the ER. I looked like Shrek I was so swollen and had some other things going on, but they did a CBC and said that I was Anemic and needed to tell my Peri about this.

The good news is there isn't any protein in my urine and everything else look good she said. Probably just a stomach bug that is kicking my ass. :( 

I had to delay coming home because I was so sick and had to cancel my 3hr GTT but am going in tomorrow and they are going to do their own CBC on me to see what they need to do. 

I was just wondering if you are anemic, what did they do for you? 

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Off to get caught up on posts. 

? We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness... ?

12/99 - Miscarriage at 12w - 6/08 - BFP - Miscarriage at 8w, 9/08 - BFP - Miscarriage at 8w2d, 12/08 - Found out I am a carrier of a Balanced Translocation between Chromosomes 8 & 16, 8/2010 - DE IVF = FAIL. 12/18/10 - Surprise BFP! Awaiting our Sticky Miracle! 12/20 - Beta #1-1208 * 12/27 Beta #2 - 6002 1/3/11 Beta #3 - 17,146. Beautiful little heart beating away! Stick little one, stick!

♥ Brielle Skye born August 17th, 2011 ♥ Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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