January 2012 Moms


So I was told by my doctor to come after work today to get my blood done.  Yeah well I show up and the office is CLOSED!!  Their hours are until 5:30. I was there at 4:00!! I drove 25 minutes to get there then sat in traffic on the way home.  Now I have to go tomorrow after teaching all day....meeting after work...BLOOD...then another working meeting at night!    

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on 6-22-09 M/C #1 07/10 (Chemical Pregnancy) M/C #2 03/11 (Chemical Pregnancy) BFP on 4/26/11 HOPING THIS STICKS!! Started Progesterone 5/6/11 <a href="http://s226.photobucket.com/albums/dd88/stephgamerbabe/?action=view
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