Pregnant after IF

Sorry I have been MIA, lots of updates (long)

I am sorry that I have been MIA lately but I have had TONS going on and its time for an update!

First I know that I posted about all the crap that was going on with my boss and my job. The night that all that happened I got online and applied for a bunch of jobs. The next day was the day that I was in the hospital with the bleeding.

The following tuesday I followed up with my OB and she said that she looked over everything and really doesnt know why I had the bleeding. She also said that I was measuring 27 weeks (I was just under 25 weeks at that point), she didnt seem worried, she just thinks that I will always measure ahead because I have a short torso.

I saw the MFM the next day and they did another cervical check and looked to make sure that things were ok since the bleed and everything seemed to be fine. They also did the growth scan and things are progressing well, still no downs markers seen.

The one thing that they did see was that I am on the verge of having too much fluid. They took a ton of labs to check for infections and stuff and also checked my blood sugar (which was fine). They also checked to see if that baby was anemic because that can cause increased fluid. They are having me come back in 2 weeks to make sure that my fluid hasnt gone from high normal to being too high. So we get to see Foster again next thursday, yay!

I got a new job..... YAY! Still working as an RN Case Manager but more of a supervisor role. Also, now I will have benefits, a work blackberry, paid mileage and a RAISE! So overall its all perks and the biggest/best perk NO JERK AS* BOSS!!!!!! I put in my 2 weeks on monday and he acted normal to my face then called me as soon as I left the office and told me that he was gonna get rid of me anyway and that noone will hire me because I am pregnant and a million other mean things, hes SO MATURE. I am SO glad to be done with him and I finally feel free.

Overall, I am in a much better place and I am SO much happier knowing I am done with this jerk.

DH left for europe today for 8 days so I am a little sad because I cant just call and talk to him and I will miss him a lot.... that the pregnant hormonal me =)


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