Pregnant after IF

A stretch...but anyone with something similar?

Wondering if anyone had something similar to my situation and still had success. I'm not getting my hopes up but just curious.

 At 6w2ds I bleed heavily for about an hour. Went to ER and said they didn't see a fetal pole or yolk sac. HCG was at 30,785.

Last week  I went to my doc and had another u/s and levels checked at 6w6 days.  Still no fetal pole but yolk sac and said gestational sac was misshapped. My levels came back at 44,250.  Doc said my levels should be going down as it looks like I will pass soon. Today I went for another level check and it's at 66,000. Still no blood or cramps.  I'm going in Friday for another ultra sound. My nurse said it may just take my body awhile to understand what's going on. That most likely do a D&C

If you had a similar experience...any positive outcomes? If not, did you do a D&C or wait until you passed it naturally?


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