January 2012 Moms

2nd Update to: "Good feeling's Gone" PIP

I know it's been a week since my last post, and I know there's lots of new faces! But after I started bleeding on Wednesday, and an "eh" u/s on Thursday ((the dr. only saw a yolk sac and gest. sac)), we had our 2nd u/s today. 

I am HAPPY to report that WE HAVE A BABY!!! :):):) And a heartbeat of 103 bpm. I am measuring 6 weeks 6 days, which makes my due date 12/28.

HOWEVER... I still need T&P's because he still saw something weird...  a SECOND yolk sac! Where as last week there was just one. SO... I have another U/S on Monday to see what the deal is with what exactly it's doing.

Thanks again for all of yalls thoughts & prayers! Looks like they worked. :)

NVM about the PIP-- i don't know how to do it. lol

My Chart
Married 4/18/09
BFP #1 4/23/11, EDD 1/4/12::No heartbeat @9 wks::D&C 6/1/11
BFP #2 10/07/11
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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