Pregnant after IF

spent 5.5 hours in l&d last night

I thought I was just suffering from food poisoning that was bringing on very painful contractions, but apparently diarrhea and nausea are considered to be signs of labor!  I was hooked up to an IV and the super fancy monitor. I was having moderate contractions for a while every 5-10 minutes but then they started to settle down and I was sent home. My OB said since I'm 36 weeks she doesn't intend to try and stop any contractions. DH asked if we might have 2 more weeks and doc said that's a generous guess. I haven't had any real painful contractions in a few hours so I hope everything is settling down. I can't imagine going back to teaching tomorrow if any of the wincing kind come around again. 

 I'm 1cm dilated and she said my cervix is very thin. :( Cervix was looking pretty decent at my sonogram last Thursday, but I had been worried since baby's head has been so low for a few weeks now.  

Sept. 2010: IVF #1= BFP; May 2012: FET #1= blighted ovum, D&C; FET #2= ?? Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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