January 2012 Moms

Newbie Intro - Hi!

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself - I'm a newbie on the bump, as my only other post was last summer after I found out I was expecting B/G twins.  Sadly, after a perfect 5 months, I lost my babies at 20 weeks due to an incompetent cervix.  After our heartache, My DH and I were thrilled to get a positive pregnancy test last week.  We are hoping to bring home our rainbow baby in January 2012!  I had my first beta today, so I'm anxious to get the results and hopefully have a great ultrasound in a few weeks....and a successful cerclage placement around 12 weeks!

I know this is going to be L-O-N-G 9 months filled with lots of worries (I'm a major worrywart!), so I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better.  Congrats to everyone on their BFPs!!  I'm hoping you all have a happy & healthy pregnancy!

BFP #1 6/16/10 - B/G Twins! Born into Heaven on 10/10/10 at 20 weeks due to IC.

BFP #2 5/4/11 - Missed miscarriage on 6/24/11. BFP #3 9/29/11 - Hoping for our rainbow baby!

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

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