January 2012 Moms

Hoping the 3rd time´s the charm (intro)

Hi January mommas!

I just got my 3rd BFP today! Unfortunately my previous two ended in miscarriages, so I?m really hoping and praying that this one sticks and is our healthy, take home baby.

My name is Megan, 25, originally from Charleston, SC, currently living in Mexico with my Mexican husband, teaching ESL. My due date according to FF (by my ovulation date) is January 18th, 2011 (which is also my MIL?s birthday!)

Looking forward to getting to know you all and spending the next 9 months with you! :-)

BFP #1 4/22/10 MC 5/5/10 (6w4d) EDD 12/25/10
BFP #2 10/19/10 CP 10/27/10 (4w6d) EDD 6/30/11
BFP #3 5/10/11 Lucas Abelardo born 12/29/11 at 37w3d
BFP #4 12/10/12 MC 1/14/13 (9w3d) EDD 8/16/13

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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