January 2012 Moms

Going to doctor for cramps today

I've been having these light cramping feelings - I've posted about them before - off and on since Friday.  No bleeding or spotting, but I just can't stop worrying.  I called the OB's office this morning and spoke with a nurse, who said everything was probably fine/normal, and advised me to call my PCP because I haven't actually been in to the OB's office yet (my PCP does all my gyn stuff).  My first OB visit is next Thursday.  The nurse at my PCP's office said everything is probably normal, but said I could come in for an appointment this afternoon.  So, I made an appointment and I'm worrying about that.  Will they do testing of any kind?  Will they do the vaginal ultrasound there?  Should DH come?  Thanks for any advice.

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