January 2012 Moms

Cautiously introducing myself...

Hi ladies!

I found out last week at 14 DPO that I was expecting! My second betas came back great yesterday, but my P4 is a little lower than it was at 7 DPO, so I am having my first ultrasound on Thursday to check and see what's going on in there!

I'm 24, MH is 28 and this will be our first baby with an EDD of 1/12/12.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better over these next nine months! Smile

After TTC with IR PCOS:
April 2011: Metformin 1500mg + Clomid 100mg + Ovidrel + Prometrium = BFP!
Beta #1 at 14DPO: 197 Beta #2 at 18DPO: 1296
At 40w6d, our Team Green surprise came by unplanned C-section and changed our lives forever!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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