January 2012 Moms

just got back from the doctor

I had my second doctors appointment today. We had an appointment a week ago, and all she was able to see was the gestational sac, so she had us come back in today. This time we were able to see the yolk sac, and she thinks she was able to see the baby. It was really exciting. We are going back in in 2 more weeks for our 8 week scan, she said then we should be able to 'date' the baby a bit better. She told us based on the size today that we were 5 weeks and 5 days, not 6 weeks.

One thing I'm nervous about, I will have to change doctors after either our next appointment or the one after that. Has anybody ever done that before? I'm currently living in Singapore, and will be moving home to Houston in either late June to early July. We want our baby born in the states, and the project that brought us over here will be done soon, so my husband will be working back in the states again. Has anybody had to change doctors before? How did you decide upon your doctor? We just took a recommendation of a  friend over here who is also pregnant, and went to her doctor. I didn't doctor shop over here. I have a general practitioner I see back home, but never an OB-GYN.


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