Pregnant after IF

MFM Update (long)

Today went swimmingly!!  Our new MFM and his team were great!  He told us that he specializes in twins and higher order multiples, which made us feel much better.  No bedside manner, but I'd rather that than someone who sends me into panic mode after each and every appointment.  We were in and out of there in under 30 minutes, which was a first for us.  Usually in MFM it takes the tech 45 min just to get the measurements.  We had a great u/s tech today, which was so nice!  Showing us all the stuff and letting us watch Baby A kick and punch the wand.  It was great! 
So, Baby Girl is estimated to weigh 2lb 4oz, and Baby Boy is estimated to weigh 1lb 15oz.  So, a mere 6 oz apart, which is about a 16% difference.  Both our OB and MFM were okay with the size differences.  Baby A is in the 38th percentile for growth and Baby B is on the 24th percentile.  Again, both are above the 10th percentile, and are within 14th percentiles of one another for growth.  
There is some concern around B's umbilical artery, so they're sending me for a Non-Stress Test (NST) next Monday.  Sounds easy enough.  If anything is alarming or they can't get a good read (they were both moving a lot today, so they had some trouble getting accurate blood flow reads -- oops!  Must have been the apple juice I had with breakfast!), they will do an u/s.  If it's anything serious, they will call for our new MFM to come down and take a peek.
As for next steps...  My OB was thrilled that we're just about at the 28-week mark.  That was our first goal, and we made it!!  Next goal is 32 weeks -- we do the NST next week, and see both our MFM for u/s and OB for check-up the following Monday, 5/23.  Then, if we make the 32-week goal, our OB said delivery is likely between 35 and 36 weeks -- so anywhere from June 27th - July 8th, pretty much.  She believes they are just going to be smaller babies -- after all, I was a 4-pounder and DH was a 6-pounder.  Not the biggest babies around, for sure. 
I also have to start doing kick counts each day.  And, try to decipher who is who...  Baby Girl (A) is head in my right ribs, with her bum down and her feet in my bladder area (hence the ALWAYS peeing and feeling like an arm could just fall out at any time!)  Baby Boy (B) has his head down, and his bum in her face.  Her placenta is still very low, and although it doesn't quite make the diagnosis of "low-lying placenta," our MFM said just a hair to the left and it would be considered low-lying.  So, we're back on pelvic rest and I need to call with any bleeding ASAP.  And, any signs of pre-term labor...
All in all, a GREAT appointment!  Hoping the NST goes well next week, or at least they know what they're watching for...  But, I'm not worried, I'm not panicked, and I'm feeling pretty good about things, all things considered! 
I will never see our previos MFM again.  I just can't...  It's not good for me or the babies.  I made it clear to our new MFM that I didn't ever want to be treated by her again.
Thank you all again and again for your warm wishes and thoughts/prayers!  It sure means a LOT!! 
Mr. & Mrs. ~ 09.08.07

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