Pregnant after IF

I've had my baby!!! :)

On Saturday morning at 12:01am I lost my mucas plug.  I told DH that it was so exciting but that it could still be weeks before LO would arrive.  And I still had weeks of my pregnancy left, so that makes sense.  Then at 1:00am my water broke!  I woke DH up and called in to L&D to find out my next steps.  I was told to either call in again when contractions (which had not started yet) were 5mins apart or at 1pm whichever came first. 

DH started running around packing the hospital bag, getting food out for our cat, doing laundry (so random).  At about 2am we decided to go to bed and try and get some rest.  Then the contractions and back labour started!  The contractions started at 10mins apart with sharp back pain every 3 minutes.  Ouch.  They very quickly speed up to 8mins apart, then 6minutes and 4minutes apart at 4:30am.  We called L&D and headed out to the hospital (45mins away).  The contractions were crashing into one another on the drive in.  But strangly the back pain was less intense sitting in the car.

When I arrived at 5am I was checked and was 4cms 70%.  The epidural was administered within 20 minutes and I was in contraction heaven.  I did have to keep switching positions though because the fetal heartbeat would drop if I laid on one side to long.  At 9am I was told I was 9cm and they were still watching the fetal monitor very closely.  They then told me they would be back at 10am to check me again and to get some sleep because I could be pushing for hours.  But to call them if I felt any urge to start pushing. 

At about 10am I did start to feel the urge to push. But I figured they would be coming to check me soon, so I waited.  Finally at 10:25 I called the nurse, just as my nurse and the OB came into the room.  They took one look at the fetal monitor and called NICU to send nurses, and called the OR to prep for an emerg c-section because baby heartbeat had dipped so low.  Luckly I was a bit out of it and didn't realize all this was happening.  The OB was telling me he was going to use a vacuum and I needed to push this baby out NOW.  With 3 strong contractions, the help of the vacuum and in only 15 minutes my son was born.  Healthy as can be on Saturday at 10:43am. 

DH got to annonce to me that we have a son, Logan.  I am so in love.  What a wonderful Mother's Day present.  He is currently sleeping beside me and my heart is melting.

(I don't know how to do a PIP - but I will update my blog at some point this week and then post a link.) 

TRC since = Feb/09 Dx: Unexplained Infertility Lap Surgery: July/10, small amount of endo removed Injectables and IUI #1=bfn Injectables and IUI #2=bfp!!!!!! Baby Boy born May 7, 2011 at 37weeks pregnant. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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