Pregnant after IF

I know this is wayyyyyy early but.....

I know this is way early, but my husband and I have already been talking about it.  It took us well over 3 years to get pregnant and that was via IVF.  We are already starting the discussion of when we will start trying for our next one.  We have always wanted a big family and we have 5 frozen embryos from our 1st round of IVF.  So we are trying to figure out how soon to start trying for another LO? I want to try as quickly as possible, because let's face it, it may take even longer this time, it may not, or it might not work at all........ What are your thoughts/opinions? Have you thought about it?


TTC since Fall of 2007

IUI #1 April 2009-BFN, IUI #2 May 2009-BFN

BFP July 6, 2009-Miscarriage July 9,2009-Chemical Pregnancy

IUI #3 May 2010-BFN, IUI #4 June 2010-BFN

IVF #1 October 2010-2 embryos transferred on Day 3-BFP!!!

Elijah Gage Born July 7, 2011!!!

FET-April 19, BFP!!!

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