Pregnant after IF

Had my first OB appt. Friday

Hi ladies,

  I haven't been posting much because I have been too afraid of getting attached to these babies and then losing them,  I know it sounds ridiculous.  Let's face it, I'd be devastated no matter what, so I don't know why I'm trying to be so guarded this time around.  I'm trying to live by the mantra, today I am pregnant and happy.

So I had my first OB appt. friday. It went well. We saw the little peanuts and one was moving around so much. DH was like they can move???Stick out tongue  The OB laughed and said yes, they are babies. I'll be going once a month to him (aagghh-how will I ever make it monthly?).  I was just there 2 days ago and am already stressing how long it's gonna be till I can see the babies again.

I have my NT scan at 12 weeks.  He usually does them in the office but said because it's multiples he's sending me out to the hospital for all my scans.  He also said I'll be getting monthly sonos (yay for that!!!). He said it's precautionary and it's to make sure both babies are growing at the same rate.

I'm also getting pulled out of work at 26 weeks.  I was completely shocked!! He said he does this with all his multiple moms because the risk of pre-term of labor is very high.  His goal is to get me to 35-36 weeks and he said by doing this he's been very successful at delivering full term twins.  He's very thorough which I love.  It's just crazy because obviously I hadn't told work yet and wasn't planning to until August.  I'll have to change that now seeing as my last day will be September 1st.  He said he told me now so I have plenty of time to make arrangements and do whatever I need to.

 Anyway, I'm going to try to enjoy this as much as I can (even though I'm a nervous wreck) and will try to post more often.  Hope everyone is feeling well today!


*SAIF* always welcome
TTC since October 2007
Dx with Unexplained IF
IUI #1-3 w/clomid: Jan-March 2010...BFN
IUI #4 w/injectables: April 2010...BFP
1st u/s: 5/17-one little perfect hb@7w2d, 2nd u/s: 6/5-no hb@10w;
missed miscarriage: 6/10 d&c
IUI #5-7 w/injectables: Sept 2010-Jan 2011...BFFN
IVF #1: Feb/March 2011...pretty please let this work!!!!

Expecting twin boys!!!!! Pregnancy Ticker
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