Pregnant after IF

baby is here!

So excited to report that Amalia Simone was born last night, 5/7/11 at 7:50pm. She was 7lbs 4 oz and 19 1/2 inches long.

My water broke on Friday night at about 8pm, so I was immediately admited to L&D. My contractions were irregular and around 4am the OB wanted to put me on Pitocin. I wanted to wait it out and see if my contractions would correct on their own, but my 11am contractions were still irregular, so I started Pitocin. Around 1pm the pain started getting bad so I was given Phenol, but by 3pm I was 5cm and pain was unbareable, so I broke down and got the epidural. That was the best decision ever, because it took until about 7pm before I was fully dilated and baby was ready to go. After 30 minutes of easy pushing, she was here. DH and I are amazed with our new baby.

Interesting story too. A woman who is a resident of the local medical college who was on rotation at our RE's office during our IVF cycle and assisted with our cycle, just happened to be doing her rotation right now at the hospital on my OB's team, so she got to see our baby being born as well parts of our IVF cycle. She thought it was really cool to see the cycle come full circle!!

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