Pregnant after IF

Who will be on your hospital visitors list?

DH and I just got back from our hospital tour.  The minute we walked into a delivery room to check it out I thought I was going to start crying (in a good way!).  Even though we have a million and one things to do still, I can't wait for July to get here!

Anyway, we were talking about who we will put on our visitors list. I think for now we are limiting it strictly to immediate family (well, and my nephews).  I may also put my friend on there who is due a month after me with her first and is going to the same hospital. She always calls with questions and for assurance, so I'm sure she'll be dying to see what it's all like "in action."  Who are you planning on having come visit?

TTC #1 since 7/08 After 3 years, 2 losses, 3 rounds of IUI, and one round of IVF, we finally have our dream come true! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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