Pregnant after IF

27 months...

27 1/2 months ago DH and I throw our the pack of birth control.  2 years 3 months and 2 weeks ago.  And here I am now sitting being kicked by my LO reminding me that it is only weeks until I get to meet him or her.  I would have never thought 27 months ago it would take so long to get here.  What this journey would bring.  That  we would been deemed infertile.  That is would take 2 rounds of injectables with b2b IUI's and a lap surgery to get to this point.   But here we are.  27 1/2 months later - expecting our LO.  And we are both so much stronger for this experience.  And I got to meet a whole group of amazing women along the way (you ladies).  I am still in denial that this is really happening.  Wow. 

Just wanted to share.  *Group hug* :) 

TRC since = Feb/09 Dx: Unexplained Infertility Lap Surgery: July/10, small amount of endo removed Injectables and IUI #1=bfn Injectables and IUI #2=bfp!!!!!! Baby Boy born May 7, 2011 at 37weeks pregnant. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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