Pregnant after IF

Was in L&D last night - Everything is fine.

I didn't think I would end up there! I don't feel the baby move tons. I do feel him, but not all day crazy kicks or anything.?

Yesterday, I noticed I didn't really feel him at all. I got home at 4 and laid down and drank tons of OJ. Nothing. I waited an hour, and nothing. I drank more OJ and waited another hour. I showered and laid down again. Three hours into this all, still nothing. OB told me to call him if this happened. Their office is open till 8, and I called at 7. I thought he would tell me to come to the office maybe. But he said to go to the hospital! UGH.

I felt like an idiot, but everyone was so nice there. They strapped me to a monitor as soon as I walked in to make me feel better. The heartbeat was perfect. I was there for about 3 hours. The sono was great. He was moving all around and flipping. I slightly felt him moving, and I think it was because I was strapped to the monitor and I could hear the bumps of when he was moving a lot. But it is still so hard for me to realize if it is him moving or what it is. I think I am crazy!!

I do have to say, hearing his heartbeat for almost three hours was the coolest freakin thing ever. I actually think I liked it better than sonos! ?

Anyway, all is fine. I have an OB appointment on Monday actually so I will discuss this with him further then. ?

Jeeezz....We all need a break!?

DS born 7.30.11
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