Pregnant after IF

Measuring 2 weeks ahead

I went in for an u/s and I'm measuring 2 weeks ahead which was reassuring to hear. People often make comments about how small I am and it has worried me a little. I know people make stupid comments but I like to worry.

Also  I found out that my placenta has moved upward so I'm on track to have a vaginal delivery. Also with how big I'm mearsuring they put my EDD at July 10, two weeks earlier than my original. I don't think its going to officially change but based on size thats what it should be.

I always miss HDBD so here's a pic of me at 28 weeks....


Of course my dogs had to get in on the pic

After almost 3 years and 2 IUIs our lil guy is here! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker <a href="
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