Pregnant after IF

16 wk apt today & ?'s

i had my apt today and they did an u/s because i have 3 lovely fibroids. they did a pre-anatomy scan to check on the baby and thankfully all looks good. she told me she is sending me to an MFM for my 20w scan since i am categorized as high risk. has this been the case for anyone? i am assuming that the fibroids and clotting is the factor? 

i also have A- blood so the paranoid person i am had to make a teeny tiny lie up so i can get another dose of rhogam =/ my RE's NP told me to tell them "i spotted" after sex or else they would say no and my RE likes to play it safe and wanted me to get it.  

last, how much weight did you girls gain by week 16? i have only gained alb and she is worried. i eat, snack and do everything i should. i am thinking it will start coming on pretty soon?



::PAIF/SAIF Welcome::

TTC since July 2008
IUI 1,2,3 BFN
IVF #1 C/P, FET 1,2,3 BFN

it's a girl!!

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