Pregnant after IF

I hate people and their dumb comments

All I've been hearing for the last 3-4 months are comments like this:  "You're HUGE!" "OMG you're so big!" "I wasn't THAT big when I was that far along..."
"Are you sure you're not carrying 2 in there?"  Seriously, people??? I wonder how any of them would feel if I made some snot comment to them about how they look. Some of them follow it up with "Oh, well you were so small before so of course you look bigger!" as if that makes it any better.  The even funnier thing is, is that some of the people who make these comments constantly are the same ones who used to complain about people saying it to them.  I'm carrying high, so I think that's part of the reason I look "bigger" even though to me I look like I should.  I'm measuring right on track, am due in 2 1/2 months and have gained just a tad more than 20 pounds for crying out loud.  I usually say that I'm measuring right on track, and I don't want to be a total b*tch, but I'm getting so fed up with it.

My mom said she and my sister both carried their babies the same way too. I know body type has a lot to do with it, I wonder if genetics does too.

TTC #1 since 7/08 After 3 years, 2 losses, 3 rounds of IUI, and one round of IVF, we finally have our dream come true! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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