Pregnant after IF

My Aunt made me cry (happy tears)

When I finally came out about our IF, one of my aunts was the first to contact me and offer support. She lives half-way across the country & we only see eachother once every few years, so it was a surprise that she was the main one to offer support. She said she knew we must have been having issues ( since everyone knew we wanted kids ASAP) but never knew the right way to approach the subject. After that, she would contact me to periodically check up to see how I was doing . When one of my cousins got KU on her HM, this aunt reached out to me knowing that I would be having a tough time dealing with that news.

Anyways, she emailed me the other day asking for my home address. Well, I just received the cutest Mothers Day card in the mail. I have never seen one like this b/c it's a card from an unborn child. It had this really nice poem in it (supposed to be from the baby) about how it loves me already and can't wait to finally have me hold it in my arms. My aunt then wrote a little note saying how glad she was that she could finally send it to me and how happy she is for me & H. It made me tear up at how sweet she is and how nice the card was. It's just funny how you find support in the oddest places. I think I have seen this aunt in person less than 3 times in the last 10 years and she's my main supporter Smile

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Dx: Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism After 2 years TTC & failed IUs,we have our IVF baby born 9/24/11

LO#2 aka 'Miracle Baby' Orig. EDD= 9/28 EDD moved to 10/3/13
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