Pregnant after IF

I gained 5lbs in one week :(

I am pretty sure it is because I had my baby shower on the weekend and my mom got cupcakes from my fav. bakery for dessert.  And I ate more then one.  I think also the baby is dropping so I have room in my stomach to eat everything in sight.  It still makes me sad though, I now weight the top weight I wanted to weight. :(  I guess the positive is that I have only gained 29lbs overall.  I am going to ask my OB if I need to be more careful over the next few weeks and make sure she doesn't think it could be pre-e or something like that.

Oh, and for those that remember my vent about DH a few weeks ago about him not enjoying my pregnant belly and being a bit cold towards me.  I had written him a note all about how it was making me feel.  He has been 100% better since then.  Everyday making sure he talks to the baby or rubs my belly, telling me that I don't look like I gained 5lbs in a week and talking more about how excited he is.  He even got out the measuring tape the other day to measure my belly compared to his.  (I am still smaller by 2") :) 

TRC since = Feb/09 Dx: Unexplained Infertility Lap Surgery: July/10, small amount of endo removed Injectables and IUI #1=bfn Injectables and IUI #2=bfp!!!!!! Baby Boy born May 7, 2011 at 37weeks pregnant. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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