Health & Exercise

15-25 lb gain doable?

Hi everyone!  This is my first post on the bump and I have a question for you healthy ladies :)

I'm in my 11th week of pregnancy and went for my first full prenatal checkup this week.  My doctor (midwife) is awesome and we spent a great deal of time talking about diet and exercise.  Based on my BMI, which is in the overweight range, she recommended that my optimal weight gain for the pregnancy is 15-25 lbs. She said that is is doable but that I will need to be disciplined and make sure that I exercise and eat right.  I left her office feeling motivated but then I realized: I don't personally know anyone who gained that little!  The smallest amount that I have personally heard of (from friends and family) is about 30-35 lbs, with plenty (most!) people in the 50 lb range.

I was wondering, are there any ladies on here were actually able to limit their weight gain to 25 lbs or less (particularly those who were overweight to begin with)?  Can you share anything about your experience and how you were able to stay on track?

Thanks so much.

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