Health & Exercise

Group Power & Maybe Pregnant?

Hi Everyone!

I'm typically on the TTGP board, but I thought I'd stop by here real quick to ask a question. Thanks ahead of time for hearing me out!

So I've been taking a Group Power (very similar to Body Pump) class for quite some time now. I go anywhere from 1-2X a week but I'm not the most regular at it. Sometimes I'll skip a few weeks here, a month there. Anyway, my DH is on a real kick to get back in shape and wants us to go 3X a week, but I'm a little concerned. Honestly right now I don't know if I'm pregnant, I could be, or I couldn't be, I'm waiting until 14 DPO to test, but I'm worried if I am that such an intense work out 3X a week could hurt a growing baby. This may be a stupid question (my DH thinks so...) but I'm all paranoid about it. I tried to google it but found no clear answer so I thought I'd see if anyone knew about it on here. Any advice would be really appreciated....

 Thanks again!

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