Cloth Diapering

having second thoughts on cloth diapering

Ok, for YEARS I've been planning on cloth diapering my kids.  Well, i'm in my third tri., and I'm starting to have second thoughts.  I'm having a c-section so hubby and I bought some disposables to use during my recovery and they are just too cute and tiny and trim.  I then compare them to my cloth diaper stash and I wonder what in the world am I setting myself up for. 

Can I really do this?  Will the poop just gross me out beyond belief and I give up before I really start?  I want to cloth diaper for financial and environmental reasons and honestly some of the diapers are just TOO CUTE for words, but then again I have the poop factor.  My husbands comment to my ranting was "well, they must make disposable diapers for a reason" ugh!  Big help.  However, I will say he is fine either way cloth or disposable.  I actually think he is leaning more towards cloth now that he saw the price tag of disposables.

  I'm just really nervous.  I'm wondering if my front loading washing machine will make the process a whole lot tougher....(as I ramble).  Sorry, maybe it is just the hormones talking.

Any words of encouragement?

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