Cloth Diapering

New to CD with ?

Hello!  I'm a little late to the party, but I figure better late than never.  I have a 3 month old and an almost 21 month old.  We are spending a small fortune in diapers, and I've been wanting to switch for a while, but I had trouble convincing DH who has now told me that he doesn't care either way.  Is it too late to switch over my older one?  Hopefully we will have one more LO at some point, so I think the diapers will be used by at least one more child.  How many diapers do you need for two at one time?  Do you recommend pocket diapers or AIO's, and if so, is it ok to have several of each brand, or would you go for all of the same?  Do you feel that a toilet sprayer is necessary?  Sorry for all of the questions!  Thanks in advance!
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