Cloth Diapering

Stripping is hard work!

Hey ladies! I started using cloth diapers when LO was 6 weeks. I've always washed with Baby Oxiclean and never had a problem. About 2 weeks ago I noticed a strong ammonia smell with the wet diapers. I just thought they needed extra washing. That was my biggest mistake. Not doing my research first. About a week later all my diapers started leaking like crazy and i didn't know what to do so I learned about stripping. Unfortunately we have a front-loader so it's harder to strip. I've been scrubbing diapers with dawn by hand during the weekend and and rinsing like crazy. Tried the cloth again this morning and they still leaked though it was less than before so I was back at it tonight. Scrubbing and rinsing. Keeping my fingers crossed that I get my diapers back! I've ordered some Rockin Green detergent and plan on doing 2 rinses post wash to help with build-up. I can't imagine doing all this every 2 months!!
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