Cloth Diapering

Introducing solids - when will the poop change??

We started DS on solids this weekend.  And by "started", I mean we gave him carrots one time and that was it.  His poop looked pretty much the same except it was carrot colored.  (No big surprise)

So when do I need to start doing something "different" with the diapers?  So far we just put dirty BM poop diapers in the wet bag and wash every 2 - 3 days.  When will this method no longer work?  Will I notice a significant difference in the poop when it's time to scrape or dump into the toilet??  Also - what if my scraping efforts come up short?  I know BM poop is water soluble... what about real food poop??  What happens if you wash it?

TIA for your help - I'm totally freaking out about the transition to solids. : 

We said "I Do" on 9/27/2008!
Baby made three on 8/20/2010!!
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