Cloth Diapering

PLEASE help!! Thinking of quitting cloth b/c of rash :(

So I've been CDing DS since 5 weeks old.  I use BG elementals during the day and Blueberries/Swaddlebees at night.  I also use fleece to keep the stay dry feel (bought some fleece and made them myself).  

Over a month ago he started having redness.  Mostly in the thigh area and under his belly button all along where the top of the diaper is.  It would resolve with one night or a few times in disposables.  I almost always use diaper cream on him (have been, nothing new).  I use the california baby.  

The diaps had started to have an amonia smell at times so I decided to try stripping them!  I washed them with a little dawn detergent a little bleach.  I followed that with MULTIPLE rinses until the bubbles were gone.  I've tried changing more frequently ... the rash just seems to be worse.  I've given him little breaks in disposables and it usually does seem to improve.  

DH had him yesterday while I worked and it was bad in the am (usually it isn't too bad in the am even in cloth) so we are back in disposables.  It still looks really bad today.  

I know that cloth can get yeast and I'll be upset if that's what this is and it's my fault he has yeast :(  I don't even know how to determine if that's what this is!

Please help!! 

ETA: The rash is still in the front.  It is progressing around the thighs but overall his toosh looks fine. 


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