Cloth Diapering

Thirsties.. yea or nay?

I am interested in cloth diapering, but my husband and I would really like to stay with diapers that are Made in the USA. Thirsties is one of the brands I came across in my search and their prices seems reasonable.

I have read amazing things about their duo wrap, which I think is used in conjunction with a prefold (please forgive my ignorance if this is not the case), but I have read varying reviews regarding their size 1 and size 2 pocket diapers. 

On their web site they claim you can wash both inserts together with the diaper itself (even though one of the inserts is hemp), but I have read that the inserts can become too long and thin after some washings. Would it prolong the life of the insert to wash them separately or do some of you think that this is just the quality of the product offered?

Any advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I checked out the google doc that some have posted in previous posts, but if I remember correctly it only had one recommendation for it. 


Thank you!!!

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