Cloth Diapering

Critique my planned stash/wish list

I think I've mentally bought my stash about a hundred times, and since this is my first kid I really have no idea exactly how many of what I need.  Here's my current planned stash (or maybe it's more of a wish list...), what do you think? I think I want to use prefolds/cotton fitteds for before her cord falls off, then add in some fleece/night fitteds as she grows.  AIOs for the grandmas or when we're on the go, same with the flushable inserts.  I'd eventually love to use fitteds/wool covers for night.  I figure you can never have too many prefolds and that I should wait to buy bigger sizes until I figure out what works best?

All I've purchased so far is one PUL cover (super cute print) and one organic bamboo fleece fitted from a couple Etsy sellers. 

2 dozen NB GMD prefolds (Orange edge)

3 dozen Small GMD prefolds (Yellow edge)

18 NB GMD workhorse fitteds

24 Small GMD workhorse fitteds

12 GMD Infant (NB) fitteds (not the workhorse fitteds)

6 of each size GMD hemp doubler (small, regular, stay dry, night)

4 size 1 Weehuggers covers hook and loop

4 size 1 Weehuggers covers snaps (if I like these and they work as well as I *hope*, 8 size 2s also)

4 NB Bummis Super Brite covers 

6 Small Bummis Super Brite covers

2 Thirsties Duo covers size 1

2 Kissas wool covers

2 Disana wool covers

2 Kissa's OS AIOs

2 XS Sposoeasy AIOs 

gDiapers flushable inserts for use in the Weehuggers covers

I'd also like to try a couple gDiapers covers with gCloth as well.

Thanks for your help!   


Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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