Cloth Diapering

Snap laundry tabs?

Hey guys-

I've been lurking for awhile (and have been having fun watching all the stalking threads).  I've got a random problem/question and wondered if any of you have any insights. 

My dryer eats my diapers.  The snaps get caught in the drum and it's marked and even torn a number of diapers.  It's so incredibly annoying, but we can't afford a new dryer, repairmen have failed to fix it, and line drying doesn't work for me.  So I'm wondering if you have any ideas as to how to make laundry tabs like they use for aplix, except for snaps.  Do you know where I can get a snap putter-inner (techinical term)?  Do you think it would bother DS to have an exposed, open snap on his back while he's wearing the dipes?  Thoughts as to why it would or wouldn't work?

It's one thing when my FBs get eaten, but I've got a TT on the way, and I'm not getting $35 caught in the dryer.



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