Cloth Diapering

newly pregnant with first, so new to CD

Hey everyone

I'm very early in my pregnancy with my first, have been thinking (remotely) about CDing for a couple years since I saw a special on tv once.  Saw a post about it yesterday and have been reading excessively (obsessively) ever since.  I've read a bunch of FAQs and that sort of thing and started reading reviews and such.  It's so overwhelming but being the crazy woman that I am, I already ordered a couple things online for newborns.  Figured that I would start early so the cost didn't kill me all at once.  I ordered some AIOs (From CVS, I am an employee and get a discount, so ended up being pretty reasonably priced, I think) and some prefolds and snappis from Amazon.  Can someone tell me that I'm not totally ridiculous? (Or that I am, it's okay, I can take it.  I'm just trying not to drive my husband crazy talking about thinks like CD when we still have many many months to go before the LO is even here . . .)

Any recommendations on things to buy for the newborn?

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